Friday, 7 February 2025

Toward a Solarpunk Future

Something different to kick off 2025. Doug Muder of The Weekly Sift recently commented that one of the things that's gone wrong in recent decades is that the Left no longer has a utopian vision. "The communist vision collapsed with the Soviet Union," he said, "and I don’t know anybody who wants to revive it." Dreaming up a progressive utopia sounded like a challenge, and it might be nice to spend an hour or two imagining a positive future for once, so here is one. It's not actual prognostication so much as wishlisting (with added snark), but that's what I've got right now. You may or may not enjoy reading it, but I certainly enjoyed writing it.

Welcome to the future. It is the year... well, never mind exactly which year it is. Far enough into the future that you have adult descendants who've never met you, I'll say that much.

Today we celebrate the start-up of our first cold fusion power plant. The technology was a bitch to get working, but it was worth the decades it took and the trillions invested. It's not quite Free Energy Forever™, but it's infinitely better than what we've had – almost literally. You see, only most of us are celebrating the fusion plant starting up: The rest (a small minority) are popping corks because this means we can finally take the last fission plant offline.


Yes, nuclear power did come to Australia, but it took a few goes before the legislation passed. To their credit, the voters back then bargained with their leaders pretty hard. It wasn't enough just to have a new, zero-carbon source of household electricity – the solar boom was already well on the way to taking care of that – we needed a major infrastructure overhaul, one conducted with an eye on the future. We needed that power to bring us things like carbon-neutral steel foundries, desalination plants, intensive recycling and high-speed rail (both freight and passenger. Oil is now waaay too expensive for air travel to be anything but a novelty for the super-rich now, a bit like commercial space travel in your day. How the hell were budget airlines ever a thing?!).

Then there was the question of where to put them. The big problem with nuclear power plants isn't the risk that they go Chernobyl (even in the 20th Century, we could engineer for that), it's what to do with the fuel after it's finished powering the reactor. Spent reactor fuel is radiotoxic on a timeline that just about maximises the inconvenience to future generations, about 10,000 years or so. That's too long to trust most materials on a shifting, geologically active Earth, but short enough that dosages can shred your double helix. So what we needed was a national sacrifice zone, a vast slice of land that was already poisoned, and one that already had plenty of access to water. And of course, once we framed it that way, the solution was obvious: Cotton farms! Years later and billions over budget (of course), the first Australian nuclear plant opened and was connected to the grid. And today, that first historic batch of enriched uranium pellets are still out there, encased in glass, about 0.01 percent of the way through their first half-life...


It cost us a lot, but the plants did valuable service. As I said, one of the earliest perks was high-speed rail. Australia is one of the most train-able countries in the world (pun intended), with just a handful of major cities to link up. A double-track high-speed rail corridor between them was really the absolute minimum a civilised country could expect, so after expansions to The Ghan and the Indian-Pacific, it was just a matter of re-routing and upgrading the 19th Century shitshow that existed between the cities of the south-east. Once that was done (with similar levels of work done on the Inland Rail freight lines), we were in business. Everything else was easily moved with hydrogen fuel-cell trucks and cars.

Oh yeah, everything not running off an overhead wire is hydrogen now. You might think it would've been batteries, but no, batteries were never going to be viable on the kind of scales we're working on. A battery is a heavy lump of rare-earths that cost a fortune, they were never going to compete with a simple hollow tank once the solar got cheap enough. Once two-thirds of our power was renewable, it was suddenly viable to apply the electrodes to seawater by the tonne – especially with a nuclear power plant ready to step in if the sky clouded over and the price of electricity rose too high.

Cheap electricity also made massive desalination plants viable, and desalination made farming viable in a lot of places it hadn't been before. That said, plenty of farming is done within the cities as well, grown hyper-efficiently under magenta LEDs that only give the plants the wavelengths they need. Their water is cycled through fish farms to ensure they get the nutrients they need (so weird that plants grow better with fish and poultry manure, almost as if they're still adapting to mammals). Often synthetic fish, too. Synthetic meat is a major source of protein today and it's... fine, honestly. Real meat is still better, but it's expensive – think Kobe beef vs chuck steak in your time – and a lot of meat product in the old days involved feeding the inedible parts of the animal into a mincer anyway. For those applications synthetic meat long ago proved adequate, but the industry's real killer app came when they branched out and became an ethical source of lion and Galapagos tortoise. What, you've never tasted either of those? Ha!


It didn't really matter that every litre of desalinated water created another litre of double-salted water, because we had a place we could drain it all – Lake Eyre. If you're thinking, "Wait, wouldn't that have an enormous environmental impact?" you're not wrong, it's just that that train left the station decades ago. Thanks to sea level rise, Lake Eyre is backfilling from the Southern Ocean anyway. Environmental impact? You don't know the half of it.

We missed the cotton farms only briefly, but before long we were all looking stylish and sexy in a new natural fibre: Hemp. Hemp used less water than cotton, and it was available because all drugs are legal now. I mean, of course they are. Ages ago we struck a new bargain with the pharmaceutical giants: They sold us the life-saving medications we needed at a fixed percentage over cost, and in return they were allowed to make bank from recreational drugs instead. It made sense, right? Most of the so-called "horrors of drugs" were actually the horrors of prohibition, of not knowing how much of what exactly was in tonight's uppers, downers, poppers and zingers. Once they were made in a clean, regulated factory with a known dose printed on the package, the OD rate dropped like a stone. To zero? No, of course not, no more than that other legal, legacy drug – alcohol. But it was a hell of a lot lower than before, and we got a better medical system out of it on the side. And of course, a few edgelords maintained the black market stuff was better, but hey what do you do?

The other half of reforming the medical system was to give nurses and pharmacists a lot more of the burden of clinic duty, of diagnosing sniffles and prescribing (from a strictly limited set of) medications. Doctors – real, honest-to-God medical doctors – are really just for emergencies now. And of course, if you're truly desperate there are diagnosis machines as well, but nobody uses them if they don't have to. Nobody trusts them.


In fact, increasing mechanisation made some things weirdly cheap by your standards (and other things weirdly expensive. It's hard to explain). Nearly all jobs are service jobs now, but basic necessities are so cheap you don't need to work too much anyway, and with a little training it's just about possible to live Marx's dream, "...where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow..." Just about.

Indeed, with machines making the basic necessities cheap, it led to what people in your time might call an "Etsy-fication" of the economy. After your two or three days at the service job,  most people were free to work on their passions, and for many this meant cranking a potter's wheel, or blowing glass, or sewing clothes or just... making stuff, purely because they could. Sometimes other people buy what they produce, because it's nice to own something made by human hands, but that's not really the point anymore. And needless to say, the explosion in the arts of the last few decades has been staggering. Everyone is media-literate on a university level nowadays, so sampling all the capital-A Art out there in just a single lifetime is like filling a syringe at the seaside.

And if you think that sounds impossible, that surely work would expand to fill the time available to do it... well, the factory workers of the industrial revolution thought so too, until they wrangled the eight-hour workday out of their masters. Hell, the very concept of the weekend had to be passed down as the Word of God itself before subsistence farmers of the bronze age would accept it. The social contract is always up for renewal, oldtimer. The economy is our creation, our servant, not our master: If it's not doing what we need it to do, we can change it.

At least there's no shortage of people to work, thanks to our latest wave of immigration from the slowly-submerging Pacific island nations. Brown Australians huff and complain that we need to do something about our open borders, but the children and grandchildren of immigrants always do.


I say "brown Australians" but... You're going to find this really hard to swallow, but it's more or less impossible to say what colour anyone is anymore. I mean, obviously you can just look, but you can't rely on that when it's liable to change whenever the mood strikes them. Body mods and gene-hacking made racism, sexism and transphobia academic (albeit over decades), outside a few hardcore religious holdouts. When skin colour and gender are more or less optional, what does it matter anyway? There was even a trend for Blaschko stripes a few years ago, but the younger generation is always looking to scandalise.

Far more importantly, we put that gene-hacking tech to work creating new species to replace the ones lost to the Sixth Extinction. (Again, if you're concerned about new invasive species, I remind you that ship sailed before either of us was born.) It started with relatively simple things, like new bees for plants that had lost their pollinators, but gradually the scientists allowed themselves more leeway to experiment. (Not every experiment worked, of course, but it's a lot easier to build fail-safes into an invented species than a wild one.) Some of the jewellish serpents and glittering butterflies they've come up with are so beautiful it breaks your heart, and Great Barrier Reef 2.0 has to be seen to be believed.


At which point, I suppose, we have to address the elephant in the room. Yes, we live in the age of Climate Change. The atmosphere has warmed by 3 degrees Celcius, which is more than you guys were hoping, but less than you feared. Sea levels have risen by about a metre, but that's not the real problem. What the dopier among you never seemed to grasp was that 3 degrees of warming doesn't mean what used to be a 40-degree summer's day is now a 43-degree day. It means the ocean of air over our heads, 500 million square kilometres wide and 400 kilometres deep, contains an extra 3 degrees of energy. That's an enormous amount of energy, and it comes out in weird and violent ways. Never mind the waves that might be lapping at the walls of your beach house, all buildings and infrastructure today has to be built tough – bunkerised, you might say – to withstand the tropical cyclones or surprise pop-up hailstorms that regularly blow through Sydney and Wollongong...

That was colossally expensive, of course, but the hard work's mostly been done now, so I won't get hung up on the natural disasters – mostly because they don't really bother us. The olds are always surprised how sanguine we are about this stuff, but why wouldn't we be? We don't remember a time when droughts only lasted a few years and box jellyfish didn't lurk off Bondi. The harder part is actually keeping the voting public focused on doing the hard work of returning to a world none of us remember. Carbon capture remains tough, after all: It's a fundamental violation of the Laws of Thermodynamics, as our engineers never fail to remind us. (See? This is why nobody likes engineers. You give them something important to do, and they tell you it can't be done and then feel smug because they knew that and you didn't. I understand they weren't any better in your time.) That makes it difficult, but not impossible. The job of reefing the Earth back on the straight 'n' narrow continues, year upon year. It took us two centuries to knock it out of alignment, so it'll probably take at least that long to fix it again.

Source: Pinterest

But we can do it. And in the end, all of it – the genetic engineering, the hydro farming, the shiny new fusion power plant – is in service of our ultimate goal, that of making humanity a spacefaring species. What, you think we can't? The technology mightn't exist to reach Alpha Centauri yet, sure, but colonies closer to home are... well, I won't give too much away. It's dangerous to know too many specifics about the future. Let's just say it's always impossible until it's done, and life on Earth is rapidly approximating life on board a space station anyway, so we might as well. But every day the planet is a little bit more cleansed, a little bit closer to equilibrium, and every day the stars are a little bit less far away. The path before us still isn't easy, but every day I get up and do my part – my teensy, tiny, barely consequential part – and I live in hope. Plenty of humans have had less.

Friday, 22 November 2024

1954: Gelignite Jack, Pt.2

Continued from Part 1.

A quick note on the newsreel footage from which I've taken most of the following screenshots. There are two versions on YouTube: one by the British Pathé channel, which is of higher quality but incomplete and broken up into bite-size chunks, and one on a private channel, which covers the full distance but (as you no doubt noticed) is rather short of pixels. I haven't embedded it, because even by 1950s standards it is remarkably racist. Just for example, there is a slur for a woman of indigenous extraction which also happens to be one of my preferred alcoholic beverages, yeah? Well, the voiceover drops that word as if it's an honest-to-goodness technical term. That sort of thing comes out of nowhere and hits like a wrecking ball, and since I don't know how sensitive each reader will be, I haven't embedded it. It's fascinating footage and well worth a look, but if you do decide to check it out, consider yourself warned.

Now let me undo everything in the previous paragraph by including this very "period" map of the trial route, complete with racist caricature of a First Nations man (citizens since 1948, not that anyone seemed to've noticed...).

Broome to Meekatharra
Crews were scheduled their only 24-hour rest in Broome, but this was shortened by a couple of hours to close up the now-sizeable gaps in the field. It's estimated 167 competitors remained in the game at this stage, so scrutineers jumped on the opportunity to check as many cars as they could, finding (among other things) that the fancy Houdaille shock absorbers on Gelignite Jack's Ford were close to collapse. He was currently leading the trial, but how much longer could that last?

The road south to Port Hedland proved another horror stage, as several cars got stuck in a patch of soft mud about 35km out of Broome. Bill Lee's Hudson (car #226) was stuck there for more than two hours, and when finally released he had to sit on 150km/h wherever possible to make the Port Hedland control on time. He made it, but wiped out his front suspension and steering rack while crossing a creek bed a few hours later, so it availed him nothing.

This is a Hudson, but it's the #80 Super Wasp of Bob Gudgeon and Alan Platt. They would eventually finish 98th, with 276 penalty points.

Roads in this part of the world were a paradox. The wheel tracks themselves were usually a pair of soggy grooves up to a foot deep, worn into the sand. The crown between them, however, would pack down with the passing of vehicles until it set as hard as concrete. Suspension systems that had been battered by the trial left many cars now sagging and prone to bottoming out, leaving them vulnerable to striking the hard-packed crown, and the results were severe: at least fifteen sumps and gearboxes would be wrecked before the trial reached Marble Bar.

The Daily Telegraph's motoring editor, Tom Farrell, hit one of these patches of baked earth in his '54 Ford Customline (car #33) and broke a gearbox mounting. The 'box was left dangling precariously from its sole remaining support, but mechanic Frank Denlay was able to fashion a strap from a piece of scrap iron and bolt it on. Farrell drove carefully at first, but then upped the ante, then a bit more until, by the end of the stage, he was going absolutely flat out trying to make up lost time. The strap held all the way to Port Hedland.

Today, Port Hedland is Australia's busiest by tonnage, the point of departure for countless tonnes of exported iron ore. In 1954, however, all that was in the future, so the population (all 895 of them) made their living serving the cluster of nearby gold-mining towns. With its famous Comet gold mine, Marble Bar was one of these towns and, just as it is today, was renowned as the hottest town in Australia. Some of that was due to the atmosphere overhead, where the sub-tropical ridge constantly drew in air baked by the deserts of the Red Centre; some of it was the iron-rich rocks beneath your feet, leaving you effectively standing on a giant hotplate. This was the Pilbara, the region that would one day make Gina Rhinehart the richest woman in the country¹, and by some sort of inverse miracle the road leading there was even worse than the one that had brought them to Port Hedland.

The roads here wound through rugged, rusted hills, criss-crossed with deep gullies and rocky creek beds, testing the tired drivers every bit as much as their cars. Crews had to give it everything to meet the 50km/h average: if fatigue meant the driver was a touch late on the brakes (or those worn-out brakes didn't bite immediately...), the inevitable result was a crash. At least four cars turned over on this section, but three of them were able to push on. The fourth was Andy Spanner's embattled Chevrolet, which flipped over twice after an axle broke and a wheel was sent careening into the desert. Taking the hint, Spanner finally abandoned the trial.

Black Jack
Even Andy Spanner might've bought himself a lottery ticket after hearing what befell Jack Brabham on the following stage, however. Australia's future F1 World Champion had the misfortune to wreck his Holden on a huge boulder climbing out of a creek bed on the long run from Marble Bar to Meekatharra. Upon learning of this, Yours Truly reached for his copy of The Jack Brabham Story to see if the tale was recounted in the man's own words – and, hoo boy, yes it was. The woes of Black Jack are a useful counterpoint to the bottomless "arse" enjoyed by the Murrays: this is what the Redex Trial looked like if everything didn't go right.

Tommy Sulman, driving a big Humber, led us out of Marble Bar at night. We were supposed to be ahead of him, so I was keen to pass and pressed him pretty hard. After about 10-12 miles, we dipped down to cross a dry creek bed. I think the diff beneath Tommy's Humber hit a big rock, which it hooked and stood up on end, right in my path, and I hit it. The impact sounded like a bomb. [Mechanic] Harry and I were slammed forward. The rock smashed the car's entire front suspension assembly right back, leaving the front wheels outside the front doors, jamming them shut on us!

We were blocking the whole Trial. Eventually enough cars were backed up to provide sufficient manpower to lift the Holden bodily and dump it at the roadside. Everybody then rushed off and we were left alone. There was no sweeper vehicle nor back-up in those days. We just slept in the car 'til morning, then examined our problem. Basically we were stuffed. – Jack Brabham, The Jack Brabham Story

With no official vehicles following behind, it fell to another failed competitor (the first vehicle they'd seen in twelve hours) to drive them the short hop back to Marble Bar. Even in this established outpost of civilisation, however, help wasn't easy to find.

I found the tin-shed local garage deserted. At that moment a jeep drew up outside. Kennedy, the driver, worked for the Blue Speck goldmines and had come to "town" for supplies. I thought if I could get some oxygen bottles and welding gear, I might be able to get the Holden running again. Kennedy then drove me to the mine to get some oxy bottles but they were about 8 feet tall. There were piles of scrap metal around the site and I collected some pieces which might help us. We loaded the gigantic bottles and some welding rod into the jeep and drove back to Harry.

Our friendly miner said he'd give us a hand with the repairs and, for sure, we'd have the car running in an hour. When he saw it he just blanched and gasped, "Blimey mate! You are in trouble aren't you?" He made his excuses and left. Under Trial rules we had seven days food and water. Once again we were alone.

Next morning we began working. The front subframe was folded back and the radiator smashed around the front of the engine but we had a spare in the boot. We had to rebuild a frame to support the new radiator, and then remake a chassis subframe to locate the front wheels in approximately the right place. A real problem was a steering ball-joint which had been wrenched apart. We used some fencing wire to bind it up.

At about 4pm Harry announced a car was coming. I was under the car welding. It was another jeep driven by a local who had a station about 50-60 miles further on. The driver stopped and seemed riveted by our gigantic oxy bottles and how we got them. While he stood and watched, we restarted the Holden's engine but it made a terrible noise. The sump had been crushed in and the crank was hammering against it as it rotated. We had to remove the sump, hammer it straight, and then refit it. But it would not fit tight against the engine block. It was warped and created an oil leak that we couldn't fix. Still, we crept off at about 10-15mph following our "helpful" jeep driver. After 30-40 miles we reached a bar with a pump and refilled from our meagre spare supply. We bought all the oil that they had and limped on to our new friend's sheep station. He and his wife provided an enormous meal – our first in days. – Jack Brabham, The Jack Brabham Story

One can only imagine how interminable five-hundred miles of outback must feel when you're alone, tired, and stuck in an analog limp-home mode. Their steering broke "three or four times" before they reached Meekatharra, and despite hoarding all that oil, they ran out just short of their destination and were forced to sit by the roadside for several more hours until a stranger could pass by and sell them some more.

Nobody involved in the Redex Trial had a clue where we were. We'd been posted missing. Meekatharra, however, had telephones and we got a call through to Sydney. My father was on the other end and he nearly burst with relief! I told him we'd spend a couple of days in Meekatharra to do a better repair, then we'd drive the last 500 miles to Perth to meet him. But his last words were that he might try to get to Meekatharra to help us.

We rang the Perth dealership for parts … We desperately needed a new sump, fan belt, and our new radiator was leaking because our rough support frame had twisted the bottom off it. We'd been pouring in Barr's Leaks [sic] and anything else we could think of to seal it ...

They arrived by plane that evening but one suspension wishbone was cracked and about to fail completely, so we had to ring Perth again. However, instead of waiting for another plane, I welded the cracked wishbone and we set off. But the engine wouldn't run on all six cylinders and we wasted so much time trying to clear this that the plane with the part became due.

We drove out to the airstrip and the plane taxied in... and out stepped my father. Three-up, we drove pretty happily on to Perth. After three days in the GM dealership workshops we replaced the Holden's entire front end and finally drove it the 2,500 miles across the Australian outback to Sydney. We finally returned to Sydney about two weeks after the Redex Trial had actually finished!

I thought [our entrants] the Savells would be furious with us, but instead they seemed thrilled to bits with all the publicity – proving the endurance of the mighty Holden! It had been a fantastic experience, but after the trip I decided to stick to circuit racing. It was generally more comfortable. – Jack Brabham, The Jack Brabham Story

Meekatharra to Perth
Meanwhile, the rest of the crews arrived in Meekatharra – another gold rush town, albeit currently between gold rushes – and were greeted by the welcome news that the officials had decided to double the six-hour rest period that had originally been scheduled. The Murrays arrived with 80 minutes to spare², but had another run-in with the boys in blue over some unexplained explosions. Some even accused Jack of throwing gelignite at competitors who refused to move over and let the Grey Ghost pass, to which Jack responded: "I've got too much respect for gelignite to toss it from a moving car. But then we used to make a few stops, and that's a different story..." Naturally, the papers didn't let the truth stand in the way of a good story, cementing the legend of Gelignite Jack in the popular imagination.

MEEKATHARRA, Wed. – Police tonight booked Redex Trial leader Jack Murray for exploding gelignite in the street of Meekatharra.

Murray was driving out of the one-street town on the way to Perth.

He threw a stick of gelignite out of his car.

It exploded with a terrific bang, which startled all the residents.

Constable Reg Carr stopped Murray and took him and his co-driver, Bill Murray, to the police station.

He detained them for five minutes, took the number of their car, and allowed them to leave.

As he entered the car Jack Murray said: "This is a curl the mo job"³. Tonight Constable Carr refused to say what action police would take against Murray. – The Daily Telegraph, 15 Jul 1954, quoted in Phil Murray's Gelignite Jack Murray: An Aussie Larrikin Legend

After Meekatharra the road quickly improved, leaving this stage one of the easiest of the trial. A secret control 38km from Northam caught surprisingly few drivers – the reckless had long since been weeded out – and, knowing the worst was now behind them, the crews were in a generally positive mood. 

Almost as good as the cars are the vintage shots of Perth in the 1950s. Presumably a native could glean a lot from this footage.

That is, until it became clear someone had stuffed up. The official route map gave the distance from Northam to Perth as 61 miles (98km), which had to be covered at a steady 24mph (38.6km/h) to arrive on time. On reaching Perth however, the crews found that 98km only covered the distance to Perth's General Post Office, and there were another 10km between there and the control itself, set up at the Claremont Showground. The result was a mad dash through the crowded streets of Perth to make the rendezvous, although – for the first and perhaps only time – they were aided in this by Evil Knievels, who escorted crews through the CBD.

Even so, not a few cars checked in late and were handed penalties, which didn't sit right with either the teams or the officials. In an effort to sort it out, someone rang the ASCC office in Sydney and explained the situation (let's not think about how much that phone call would've cost...). Trial director Norman Pleasance advised that the Perth officials give the competitors an extra 15 minutes' grace and wiped out any penalties that had already been applied, to the relief of the affected drivers. But nobody thought of informing the rest of the field, meaning the 110km/h blasts through the heart of Perth continued until the very last car had checked in! Fortunately, the WA police were very understanding...

Perth to Madura
Two more contestants withdrew in Perth, leaving 144 of the original 246 cars still running. They set off on a day of torrential rain, but at last they were pointing their headlights eastward, beginning the long return journey to the finish line in Sydney. Even better, the road to Kalgoorlie was either paved or fairly reasonable dirt all the way, so the easy going allowed many drivers to bank up some time with a burst of speed and then pull over to do small bits of long-overdue maintenance.

Sadly, this leg was marred by two bad accidents, both likely brought on by drivers who'd had almost no sleep for two weeks. The first was Victorian David Doherty's Ford Zephyr (car #8), which ran into the back of a truck only 47km out of Perth. The car was virtually written off, and Doherty's crew (Harry Everett, Gordon Jolly, and himself) all suffered minor injuries that earned them hospital beds in Perth. The other involved South Australian grazier Arthur Shepherd, whose Peugeot (car #188) crashed into a ditch between Southern Cross and Kalgoorlie. Thankfully, this time the occupants escaped unharmed and were able to repair the badly-damaged front end and drive the car back to Southern Cross – whereupon they withdrew from the trial.

The miners of Kalgoorlie rolled out the red carpet for the trial, handing out free beer to the crews as they stopped to check in at the control point. From there they turned in a more southerly direction to intercept the Great Australian Bight, encountering a section of road that was dry, dusty and pot-holed (although the crews hardly even noticed, after what they'd already been through). At last they arrived in the greater metropolis of Madura, which was not so much a town as a roadhouse with ancillaries. It had an Indian name because it had been founded as a place to raise horses for the British Indian Army, and even though the local hotelier had brought in extra beds from Norseman (600km away), there was nowhere near enough accommodation for the mass of humanity that had now descended upon the place. Most crews shrugged and spent their six-hour break on the ground, too tired to waste any time acquiring a blanket – all except Jack Murray, of course, who spent some time goofing off with gelignite...

Bit of a story here. This image shows up everywhere, so Yours Truly got a bit of a shock when he opened Phil Murray's book and found the man on the right identified as Mr Keith Wilson, "a grazier from Gilgandra" – his hometown! So far, efforts to contact the family and learn more have failed, but if I find out more we'll be revisiting this image, nothing surer. (Source: Street Machine)

Madura to Adelaide
The road beyond Madura was that familiar bugbear of Australian drivers, the corrugated dirt road. In fact, the corrugations were among the worst to be found anywhere in Australia at this time, and were only made worse by the fact that the usual procedure for dealing with them – flooring it – wasn’t an option with the trial's average speeds to worry about. The resulting vibrations loosened every nut and bolt they could get their fingers into: windscreens rattled, fuel and brake lines leaked at the joins, electrical wires chafed through and interior trim began to loosen.

This merciless shaking was potentially the cause of the biggest incident of the entire trial – a fire that gutted the #246 Citroën of Arthur O'Shea at Koonalda, an hour after it had left the border town of Eucla and passed into South Australia. O'Shea, a Sydney motor engineer by trade, smelled something burning and belatedly realised the back of his car had caught fire. Waking co-driver Walter Wright, he made an emergency stop and both men leaped out just in the nick of time. A moment later the reserve petrol tank exploded and the whole car was consumed by flames. Unable to reach the extinguisher under the front seat, Wright and O'Shea were forced to fight the fire with sand. Help came from the Women's Weekly team, who helped shovel more sand into the car, but it was no use – the Citroën burned down to the axles and ended its days a blackened shell. The Grey Ghost reverted to its taxi origins as the Murrays gave Wright and O'Shea a lift to Adelaide.

It's hard to make out in a still image, but the bright object behind the windscreen is a tongue of flame. She was burned out alright.

After that, the rain that had soaked a stretch of road between Ceduna and Port Pirie (still shit) was an insult as much as injury. Only one car got bogged here and needed to be towed out, but the mud piled yet more strain on diffs, axles, gearboxes and clutches that were already at breaking point.

From Port Pirie to Adelaide was easy going, but upon reaching the South Australian capital competitors found the Perth mistake had been repeated – their route maps showed the distance to Adelaide's General Post Office, not to the control point at Morphettville Racecourse. There was another mad scramble through streets lined with spectators – even on a Sunday in the City of Churches, this was too good to miss – with the wiser crews stopping and asking locals for directions. There was another full and frank exchange of views with the officials, before they once again agreed to waive the penalties.

Adelaide to Melbourne
The departure from Adelaide degenerated into another confusing mess, after the ASCC asked contestants to cut their rest period short in order to close up gaps in the field – then changed their minds and put the start back to its original time. They tried to keep the drivers in the loop, but many of them turned up for the earlier start time anyway, bleary-eyed and badly in need of coffee, only to be told they'd have to hang around for more than an hour in the bitterly-cold pre-dawn darkness. Quite understandably they took this personally, and they only got more resentful later, when they were told their rest period in Melbourne would be reduced from twelve hours to six.

But karma's a bitch, and the officials lost some sleep of their own when they booked 141 cars leaving the Adelaide control. They phoned this information to the ASCC head office in Sydney, only to be told this was more cars than were currently in the trial! The miscount was the result of competitors who'd come in too late to be booked in at earlier controls, but were able to catch up in the meantime and get on the books in Adelaide, even though they were now officially out of the running. The resulting paperwork snarl made accurate estimates of the number of cars in the trial at any point virtually impossible, so treat all numbers as a best guess.

All that aside, there was little to trouble the cars on the excellent roads between Adelaide and Melbourne, and no secret controls either, so many crews stretched their legs all the way to arrive early and head straight to garages for much-needed maintenance before booking in at the control. The Murrays were kindly escorted in by the Victoria police, who were about as mellow as they had been in the Eureka Stockade days and were less concerned about speeding than they were about further errant sticks of gelignite. Despite their lead, the next-placed car was only eight points behind them: "I only had to sneeze and I could lose points," Jack remembered. 

I don't know for sure if that's St Patrick's in the centre of Melbourne, but it certainly looks like it could've been filmed on Macarthur Street.

Case in point, the scrutineers decided to give the cars a once-over while they were in Melbourne, which had dire consequences. David McKay, driving the #190 Austin A70, arrived in Melbourne equal 5th with only 22 points lost: the scrutineers then found he'd replaced his gearbox, which cost him 500 points and dropped him out of the running completely. The worst-affected however was a certain A. Holland in the #23 Holden, who was docked a whopping 3,000 points for replacing two chassis cross members, three shock absorbers, the differential, the radiator core, and various smaller parts.

After a too-brief six-hour rest, the competitors girded their loins for the final leg of their journey. For an ordinary motorist the run from Melbourne to Sydney would've been an endurance drive all by itself in those days, but now it was little more than an afterthought given what they'd already achieved. The route cards for this final section had deliberately been kept secret until now, with the big reveal being that the crews would head back to NSW via the Australian Alps. They would proceed through Orbost, then the old towns of Adaminaby (inundated 1956) and Talbingo (1968) at an average speed of 55km/h: this would be lifted to 60km/h for the run to Canberra, where a 30-minute rest period was scheduled. From there, they would head out to the coast via Macquarie Pass at 58km/h, and finally up the Princes Highway to Sydney at a mind-numbing 34km/h.

Weighing the hills against the generally-smooth roads ahead of them, many competitors chose to jettison some weight ahead of the final push. This included the Murrays, who tossed out everything except the standard roadside-repair toolkit. "I'm taking a gamble," Jack admitted to the papers. "If we strike any real trouble, we're gone a million."

Melbourne to Sydney
Only 127 cars left Melbourne, the first of them at 6:00pm on Monday, 19 July: it was due at Sydney Showground 25 hours later. Despite the good roads ahead, real trouble was not out of the question. Drivers fretted about snow and possible secret controls, but ultimately few cars lost points on this stage, mostly because any weakness had been ruthlessly purged long before.

What the drivers were most afraid of was snow, and it wasn't an unfounded fear. We won't repeat the nonsense about Australia getting more snow than Switzerland – that dates back to a single misunderstood line from a tourist doco dating to about this era, and it simply isn't true (no, not even by area). But it's equally untrue that we get no snow at all so, just to be clear, when the BoM forecast snow, this is what they were worried about:

Snowy Mountains Highway (not a clever name) near Kiandra, winter of 2014. (Own work.)

As you can see, that's hardly metres of white powder à la Europe, but it's still enough to cause trouble for motor vehicles (or would've been, had the snow plough not been hard at work that day). So of course, what did they get instead? The lightest snowfalls in living memory!

A light dusting and black ice still made the roads slippery, and the 130km section from Adaminaby to Tumut was muddy thanks to recent rain, but again, these people had already been through hell – the Murrays never even needed the special snow tyres they'd fitted in Melbourne. Indeed, in typical Team Murray style, the pair pulled over to burn some time building a snowman, and amused themselves by throwing snowballs at startled competitors passing by!

No, the only proper hazard (apart from the usual handful of creek crossings) was Talbingo Mountain. Again, I can report from personal experience that the descent from Inspiration Point to the Talbingo turnoff is no joke: it's steep, it's winding, and it will absolutely melt your brakes if you're careless. I've been down there in a modern, disk-braked Corolla and felt the adrenaline stir as the pedal got squishy. I can't imagine what it would be like in a vintage Ford with drums all-round, but the record shows the Grey Ghost's brakes did indeed give up the ghost. They left Gelignite Jack relying on engine alone as he coasted down at 80km/h, fighting his tight steering gear to keep the car from smashing into trees or falling off a cliff. Bill Murray remembered:

The very steep mountain road near Talbingo rivalled for toughness the Mt Isa section. The car's brakes failed on the mountains and we drove down at 40-50 miles an hour in second gear. Quite often we had close calls in keeping our points-free record. On the Talbingo section we had only minutes to spare.

The appropriately-named Superintendent Snowden of the NSW Police reported: "I drove over the Snowy Mountains road a few days ago. To travel faster than 25mph would be unsafe." Jack and Bill averaged 55mph (88km/h), including a "snowman stop"! The 3rd-placed driver, Duck Anderson, had an even wilder ride: his brakes failed completely and, after zooming down the mountain at 110km/h, he only saved the car by jamming it into second gear to get round a tight bend at the bottom.

Yet the only competitors to run out of luck on this stage were Ralph and Jim Wilson, who planted their #701 Volkswagen in a ditch near Yass and badly dented one side. The descent at Macquarie Pass also proved tricky for those who didn't know the road, but thankfully there were no mishaps, and from here on it was just a matter of touring to the finish on good, smooth, tarmac roads. As the cars threaded through Wollongong in the afternoon, people lined the streets and police had to form chains to hold back the crowd. By the time they got to Bulli Pass and the Princes Highway, double lines of parked cars and bystanders cheered and honked at the passing trial crews.

The finish line (Source: Street Machine)

The first car checked in dead on time at Sydney Showground, but later the ASCC officials decided there was no point keeping the 20,000-strong crowd waiting. Cars that arrived early were allowed to check in within a few minutes, so long as the sequence was maintained. So it didn't matter that they were actually due to finish at 9:56pm: around 9:25pm, as they approached Moore Park and Driver Avenue, the police peeled off to let the Grey Ghost enter Sydney Showground in solitary splendour. As Jack told Neil Bennetts in 1976:

Across the Nullarbor and practically back to Sydney, it was eventful but not like it had been: lots of bitumen, and got escorted everywhere, more or less nursed back to Sydney, and the police met us up at Moss Vale and said, "If you let one stick of jelly off, you'll be locked up. You follow us from here to Sydney Showground," and we followed the police, four of them – I think it was Ford too – and they went faster than we'd ever been. We were flat out keeping up with them. We got there about half an hour too early and we crossed into the Showground. We had a lot of luck, and that was it – and then we became more or less famous.

As they were both non-smokers and teetotallers – very unusual in those days! – Jack and Bill celebrated with a piece of cake baked by Mrs N. Hawke, wife of Alec Hawke, a fellow Bondi garage owner. It was decorated with the words "Gorilla Jack" and featured a model car. Their epic round-Australia odyssey was finished, and it had been done in the most Aussie style imaginable – with a cheeky grin, a liberal attitude toward explosives, and, err, a big V8 from Canada...

How It All Shook Out
The Murrays then survived a protest from Peter Antill, who pointed out that at some point they'd disconnected the Grey Ghost's shock absorbers, so it should no longer be considered standard. The ASCC dismissed the protest and upheld Gelignite Jack and Bill Murray (No Relation) as the winners of the 1954 Redex Round-Australia Trial (Over 2,500cc class), with an astonishing score of zero penalty points – none, nihil, zilch. 15,000 car-wrecking kilometres over eighteen days, and the Murrays hadn't checked in late even once. It might've taken a fair dose of luck, but only the most unconditional curmudgeon could say it was more arse than class. They had the tool for the job, and they'd done their homework: you might say, preparation had met opportunity.

A worthy 2nd place overall (and victory in the 1,100-1,500cc class) went to Bill Patterson in the #29 Peugeot 203, with 8 points lost. Behind in 3rd, and also winner of the 1,500-2,500cc class, was A.A. "Duck" Anderson in the #176 Holden, with 14 points lost. No cars in the under-1,100cc class finished, but the NSW Holden team took the team's prize, with 110 points lost between their three cars. The Victorian Holden team (of which Lex Davison and Stan Jones were a part) came in 2nd, with 112 points, while the Rootes Group (Victoria) team of Humber Super Snipes managed 3rd, with 127.

The pub debates over the event in the following months were many and comprehensive, mostly concerning the glaring loopholes in the rules – what if another car had finished with zero penalty points? Would the ASCC have called it a tie? Or, given the damage to the Grey Ghost, might they even have passed over the Murrays for the win? Nobody knew, but since that was the subject of all the chatter in the pubs, the people at Redex were fine with it. Sadly, the 1955 event ended up, in Jack's words, "more or less a schemozzle". The route was even longer – almost 17,000km thanks to extra jaunts to Tamworth (NSW), Carnarvon (WA) and Broken Hill (SA NSW) – but late in the event the route took competitors through a bog at Werong (near Wee Jasper, 12km south of Yass). Recent rains meant almost half the field found themselves bogged, a situation that lasted more than ten hours. When they were finally towed out, many of the crews elected to head straight home, not even bothering to book in at the final control in Sydney. All this meant the 30,000 people who'd paid to view the finish hardly even glimpsed a trial car, which rather took the shine off the event. After that, Redex declined to sponsor the 1956 trial, and although Ampol and Mobilgas picked up the torch for the rest of the 1950s and 60's, it was never really the same again. Only the Repco Trial of 1979 created headlines to match that 1954 event, but that is a story for another day. The last great round-Australia trial – sign of the times, the "PlayStation Rally Round Australia" – took place in 1998, and it was won by a Holden Jackaroo (the local name for the second-gen Isuzu Trooper). I know they were becoming the mean family car at the time, but still, I feel 4WD was rather against the spirit of the thing.

Source: Australian Rally History

So I suppose the big question is, should we bring them back? I say yes, but with an asterisk (and fair warning, you're going to hate me for this): it has to be for EVs only. I know, I know, I can hear you throwing things at your screen already, but hear me out. Electric vehicles are currently in a similar boat to the motor car of the 1950s – an expensive novelty, but getting cheaper, and with mass adoption both imminent and necessary. A big, splashy trial to test them to destruction and prove what they're really capable of might do wonders for uptake, especially if it motivates the right people to get off the couch and start putting in the necessary infrastructure. We might even get really sensible and mandate the use of hydrogen fuel cells instead of heavy, resource-hogging batteries – wouldn't that be something? At the very least, it would annoy everyone in the comment sections of all those Redex YouTube videos who think it's clever to type, "You can't do that with an electric car!"

Electric rally cars are already here, after all... (Source: Acciona)

Just promise me one thing. If we do this, we have to throw in some proper rally stages, both as fodder for the spectators and as a way to separate competitors who might otherwise be in danger of clean-sheeting the entire event. Because we have to make absolutely sure that no-one ever matches the achievement of Gelignite Jack and Bill Murray (No Relation), and finishes a lap of the Great Southern Land with a final scoresheet reading zero. Ever.

¹ Note to whom it may concern: Someone out there has the masters of House of Hancock. Release them. If Gina didn’t want us to see that show, I think it’s vitally important for us to see it.

² No, I don’t know why they weren’t penalised for that.

³ A slang expression meaning "excellent" or "really good".

Friday, 8 November 2024

1954: Gelignite Jack, Pt.1

The Redex Trials of the mid-1950s are remarkable to contemplate. "The Lap" is not an enterprise without some risk today, never mind seventy years ago. The modern world is bound together by the gossamer threads of network coverage: patchy blackspots aside, the vast majority of us would have to make a serious effort to be truly out of contact with the rest of the world. For those who like to be safe but still have a need to explore the Red Centre, there's always the Personal Locator Beacon, or even satellite phones if you have the money. It might take a while, but if the worst does happen, help will absolutely be on its way.

In the 1950s, things were very different. When the second Redex Trial was flagged away in July 1954, the first artificial satellite – never mind a satellite phone – was three years in the future. It'd be two years before Bruce Gyngell would be telling us, "Good evening, and welcome to television." And of course, in 1954 it was all but impossible to buy a motor vehicle in any configuration but two-wheel drive – 4WD was restricted to military hardware like the original Land Rovers, vehicles that were in no way considered passenger cars. And the countryside itself, lest we forget, hadn't meaningfully changed since Burke and Wills died trying to cross it in 1861.

This was the savage equation under which the organisers of the Redex Trials hatched the idea of a complete circumnavigation of the wide brown land, in late 1953.

A Quick Note Before We Begin...
Just to lay out all my cards face-up: A good bit of what follows has been cribbed from Gelignite Jack Murray: An Aussie Larrikin Legend, written by the man's own son, Phil Murray. If you have any interest in this stuff at all, then this book is a must-buy, even if you're not that bothered about motor racing. I've read a lot of biographies, and this is one of the most fun. No-one's paying me to say this (if you want to, hey, get in touch!), I'm just saying it anyway: buy the book.

Secondly, most of the Jack quotes you're familiar with come from an interview with Neil Bennetts in 1976, and although the full text of that interview doesn't seem to be online, a good chunk of it was reprinted in Phil's book. Because I'm lazy, quotes from that section are simply labelled, "Bennetts interview", even though it's technically all from the same source.


The Redex Trials
The concept of open-road racing had been discredited half a century before, by the infamous Paris-Madrid race of 1903. Eight people had died – three spectators, five racers – and around a hundred had been injured in one of the worst debacles motor racing had ever suffered. After that, most series had migrated across to closed loops of public road instead, which gradually evolved into the billion-dollar permanent circuits we know today. A few organising bodies, however, preferred a different tack – use the public roads anyway, and just pretend they weren't racing. One such group was the Australian Sporting Car Club, or ASCC, who organised the first Redex Trials in 1952 and early '53.

The money came from British-based oil additive company Redex, whose agent in Australia was English immigrant Reg Shepheard. Redex's signature product, an "upper cylinder lubricant", was apparently just a mix of penetrating fluid and red diesel (I.e. the stuff you used to loosen rusty bolts, mixed with a grade of diesel restricted to farming and mining machinery – use cases away from public roads, basically. Extra tax rebates made it cheaper than commercial diesel). The question of whether oil additives actually do anything is still a contentious topic, but in the 1950s the signature Redex applicator was a staple in every garage, and some grease monkeys swore by it. A quick squirt into the carb would sort out many an issue, or so they said...


The first Redex Trials, in 1952 and February '53, didn't attract much attention. The third event, and the second of 1953, took place over 2 and 3 May, and was billed as a back-breaking 1,000-miler. The route started in Sydney and took competitors through the Blue Mountains, Mittagong, the back roads behind the Jenolan Caves to Harden, Cootamundra, Forbes, Orange, Coolah, Mudgee and finally back through the mountains to the finish line back in Sydney. The winner had been D.H. "Peter" Antill in a Ford Consul, with 2nd place going to a certain John Eric "Jack" Murray in a Ford Customline.

It was Reg Shepheard who pushed for the ASCC to organise a much longer trial to take place over multiple weeks and many thousands of miles, stumping up a cool £1,000 prize money for the winner (nearly $43,000 in 2023 money). This created the first round-Australia Redex Trial, which kicked off on 30 August 1953. This was not a true round-Australia, however, cutting straight from Darwin south to Adelaide via Tennant Creek, Alice Springs and Kingoonya, resulting in a distance of "only" 6,500 miles. Strict rules ensured all vehicles entered were available to the public, with modification and even replacement of parts very limited.

Officially this was not a race, and neither was it technically a rally. In a rally, the winner was whoever set the fastest time over a given stage, with the result measured to the nearest second (or today, the nearest tenth). By contrast, the Redex events were dubbed "reliability trials", with competitors required to maintain a specified average speed over a given section of road, with penalty points handed out for arriving too late OR too early. More than five minutes either side of your scheduled arrival time would incur a penalty, with one penalty point awarded for each minute either side of the target after that. Whoever finished the trial with the fewest penalty points would win.

Being petrolheads of course, standard practice was to ignore the specified speed and blast along as fast as possible, then pull over near the finish to wait for the clock to catch up and, perhaps, make any necessary repairs. They were necessary more often than not, as the roughness of the roads would shake most cars to bits regardless of whether or not they were kept to the speed limit. To combat this, the ASCC had warned they would set up secret control points mid-stage, with the same object as mobile speed cameras today – to put the fear of God into anyone thinking of putting their foot down. These allowed a three-minute margin of error to compensate for the odd faulty speedo, or any discrepancy between officials' and competitors' watches, but they would nevertheless result in big controversy.

The Man Himself
In the annals of the Redex Trials, navigator Bill Murray is doomed to always be listed with a pair of brackets and the legend, "No Relation". But he deserves more – much more. His day job was driving bulldozers on dam construction projects (so he was already experienced with gelignite, hem hem...), but he is, if anything, a more significant motorsport presence than Jack. After all, the Redex would be Jack's only significant motorsport trophy, whereas Bill would end his career with three. He'd already taken the 1947 Australian Grand Prix (a handicap Formula Libre event at Mount Panorama, driving an MG TC), and he was about to co-win the Redex. And in the years to come, he'd sign off with a class win in the inaugural Armstrong 500 at Phillip Island (a Class B Simca Aronde).

But even with no silverware at all, his motorsport immortality would still be assured, because he is in fact the namesake of Murray's Corner, the 90-degree left-hander that finishes the lap of Mount Panorama. The year before his 1947 triumph, Bill had been part of a swarm of cars rushing down Conrod on the first lap of the NSW Grand Prix. All had braked heavily for what was then called Pit Corner – but Murray's Terraplant had carried on, and crashed into the sandbags. Later that night, under cover of darkness and well after most had departed, race winner Alf Najar had used a piece of charcoal to scratch, "Murray's Corner" onto the timber pit fence. The joke was on him, however, because the name stuck, and despite sponsorship taking over corner names in later decades, to purists it will always remain Murray's Corner.

And of his driver, Jack Murray, what can be said? Somewhere between Crocodile Dundee and Forrest Gump, with a side of Tarzan's physique. A daredevil, a prankster, and on occasion the proprietor of a garage on Curlewis Street, Bondi. A figure who breaks the modern practice of history, claiming outlandish things like having taught Werner von Braun to water-ski, your typical barside bullshit-artist fare... until he produced the receipts (seriously: read the book). During the war he'd been a contracted civilian working for U.S. Small Ships, spending twelve months in 1944 and '45 doing repair and maintenance work aboard the ex-Liberty Ship Half Rufus, anchored in Finschhafen, New Guinea. Before the war however he'd been an enthusiastic amateur racer, and he returned to his passions once peace broke out, although most of his exploits in cobbled-together machinery belong more to the open-wheel experts. The exceptions were the Redex Trials of the mid-1950s.

Jack and Bill had run well in the early stages of the '53 trial, but it all went wrong on the run from Cloncurry to Mount Isa, where Jack rolled his brand-new '52 Chrysler Plymouth (a Plymouth Cranbrook by another name) over twice and wrote it off. Since the car would never move again without a flatbed, there was nothing to do but relax at the side of the road and reassure the other competitors that yes, they were alright. What came next was of the more famous Jack anecdotes, the one with which Evan Green opened his 1966 book, Journeys with Gelignite Jack:

As another concerned competitor slowed to a stop next to the overturned wrecked Plymouth in '53, the ever-present dust cloud drifted on by. A voice yelled out:

"What happened? You all right?"

"Got a ring spanner?" Jack yelled back. "Nine-sixteenths SAE?"

Thinking … followed by a puzzled query: "A ring spanner. What the hell do you want that for?"

"I thought I'd do the brakes while the wheels were up like this."

Silence … then everyone started to laugh.

The first Redex round-Australia Trial was eventually won by Ken Tubman and John Marshall in a Peugeot 203, but Jack had learned his lesson. Next year, he decided, he'd revert to a Ford.

The Grey Ghost
The car Jack Murray chose for his 1954 Redex challenge was a Canadian-built 1948 Ford Super Deluxe with a V8 engine. The car had already done 120,000km as a taxi when Jack acquired it, for a very reasonable £700 (just under $30,000). Outwardly, there was nothing all that special about it, which is exactly what made it so special.

I was keen on a Ford. It was a V8 and it had a lot of punch in it and it had the right springing, transverse springing; the front spring and the back spring transversed, and up very high. There's a lot of clearance under a Ford, and they had a very strong chassis on 'em. … – Bennetts interview

Speaking another time, Jack elaborated on the importance of that clearance:

One of the main things on a car was the clearance. How far can you get off the ground? You'd even go to oversized tyres, just to get another quarter of an inch or so. Put the springs up and the muffler, everything that was just hanging down. You looked at it, you lay under the car, and you'd say, "There, there." The fuel lines under the chassis, you'd split rubber tubing down and slip it over the pipes. You wouldn't miss anything that was hanging down, because they'd be knocked off the car. You'd practically rebuild the car. You had to do this all the time. When you'd pull in to get a service, you'd go underneath it, get a spanner and start checking things – because the roads would undo anything at all. – Jack Murray, Gelignite Jack Murray: An Aussie Larrikin Legend

So transverse leaves creating a nice open cavern under the floor was nice, but the real secret weapon on this car was particular to its Canadian origins – an unusual (but very effective) kind of shock absorber.

The one we had was a Canadian one, built in Canada and exported here. They didn't bring a lot of them. Why we picked that, they had [special] shock absorbers.

In those trials, I've seen the shock absorber at night, on a rough road, glowing under the mudguard. Now, that sounds crazy. Burning the paint off them, going like that all the time, they generate heat. You know when you blow a bike tyre up – ever felt the heat in the pump? Well, the shock absorber is just going like that all the time on a rough road, and it will burn the enamel off the shock absorber, I've seen them glow of a night time. You'll never tell anybody this; they think you're telling lies – but that's a fact. Many times I've seen it.

Well, these had a type of shock called a Houdaille. It's a hydraulic shock and it's a circular arrangement. It's different altogether to a tubular shock: it's circular and has an arm out the side and goes down on to the axle. It has a different type of action. All the action is in this circular housing; it's like a water pump to look at. They are French designed, beautiful shocks. We never ever touched it from the word go. On an ordinary Ford, you're doing six or seven shocks in, you keep doing them all the time. There's no shock absorber that would last you round Australia; they hadn't made any good enough yet. That's why we picked this particular Ford with the Houdaille French designed shocks on, the Canadian Ford. The body was better than ours, the ones they make here and had little bits and pieces on them – but the shocks were the main thing. … – Bennetts interview

The 3.9-litre flathead V8 engine, as advertised on the doors, was reconditioned by Kirby, Doutty and Wicks.

Anyhow … this beautiful Ford. It was immaculate. We got it into The Garage and took the engine out, and I took it to bits and gave it to Eric Webster, a friend of mine working at de Havilland in the propeller section, and he had it all magnafluxed, all the crankshaft, the con rods, pistons and diffs, had all the engine done, we fitted rings to it and imported bearings. Everything was imported from the States. We done the motor, then I took the wheels off, had the brakes done, Ferodo supplied the lining. Then we had a radio fitted to it supplied by – what's the Australian radio, can't think of it now, they supplied the radio [a Ferris short-wave car radio]. We got plenty of support from the motor trade. We took every bit of it to pieces – everything. Then we went to work on the lights; we got good lights, beautiful lights. The door handles, we took those off. We took everything off. Then everything was "locktited" [a thread locking adhesive], bitumen inside the doors and then I used the car for rallies for about five months, 'til you could just drive it and when you came home just put it away and there was nothing wrong with it.

When the trial started, it was as good as you could ever buy or get a motor car in the condition. Everything was protected, the sump and bits and pieces we'd put on underneath, you know. You'd find it out in the trial and come back and alter it. It paid off. We didn't have to do anything to it. – Bennetts interview

By the time the '54 Redex Trial was ready to begin, the hard work had already been done. All Jack had to do was apply his personalised JM 456 number plates, and cover it in grey primer, giving the car its enduring nickname – the Grey Ghost. 

The Grey Ghost, in all its glory.

The Trial Begins
There were 263 entries for the 1954 Redex Trial, which was pruned down to 246 serious entries representing thirty marques. Among them were names you'd probably recognise. Harry Firth was there at the behest of the Standard Motor Company, ready to wrestle a Vanguard Phase II around a country its designers could scarcely even imagine. Evan Green, later the doyen of Australian motoring journalists, was at the wheel of a similar Vanguard on behalf of Marshall Motors. Fresh off a stint at the Mount Druitt 24 Hour, Sydney journalist and prestige car dealer David McKay was taking his chances in an Austin A70 Hereford (brave). Ford's chances were lifted when one of the best, "Wild Bill" McLachlan, chose a Ford Zephyr Six as his mount, while Martin Arentz took a more "heavy metal" approach with a 1953 Customline.

Naturally, there was no shortage of Holdens either, most of them FJs. At their head was a serious three-car team representing the Dandenong-based Preston Motors, with an FJ each for Monte Carlo Rally partners Stan Jones and Lex Davison (#162), plus Reg Nutt. And if you knew where to look, there was even a young speedway racer by the name of John Arthur "Jack" Brabham, there to drive the #241 Holden FJ entered by the Savell Bros GM dealership. He was in the midst of making the switch to road racing with a secondhand Cooper-Bristol named after its sponsor, the Redex Special, so his presence was more or less inevitable.

The trial proper was due to begin on 3 July, but competitors actually came under official control a week before the start to give ASCC scrutineers time to check all cars were on the level. A number of modifications were rejected for departing from standard spec, and many teams were ordered to fix it and come back for another check with the requisite amount of fuel, water, emergency equipment and a week's worth of tinned rations.

The rules required that certain parts of the car go the whole distance without being changed. Replacing essential parts (ones whose failure would immobilise a car) would incur a 500-point penalty, while 250 points would be handed out for replacing any part which, although not essential, would affect the general efficiency of the car (such as a spring or shock absorber). This was enforced by spraying these parts with a special paint that changed colour under the light of a mercury vapour lamp. Stick a pin in that...

Newsreel footage of an official applying that special paint.

The final briefing was held on Wednesday, 30 June, where the crews were informed that the Shell survey map of the route had been adopted by the club, but contestants were allowed to use the Vacuum map if they preferred: any discrepancies would be taken into account by control officials. There was immediate grumbling among the crews that this would cause trouble, and they were not wrong!

At last, on Saturday, 3 July, the 246 starters gathered at Sydney Showground and lined up to be individually flagged away. The starter was Donald Peers, an English singer whose big hit at the time was, Yes, I’ve Told Them All About You. The event started at midday, with the cars departing at two-minute intervals after that. Gordon Marshall, a motor trader at Windsor, was first away in Car #1, a grey Standard Eight. It took more than eight hours to flag the whole field away, a fact that bothered the six-thousand patrons who'd each paid 2/- ($4) for a grandstand seat not at all. Since the Grey Ghost was car #256, it was well after dark before Jack and Bill Murray set off on their event, Jack clad in his customary gorilla mask and Bill wearing a mask of... something? Commentators had humorously grouped the competitors into Amateurs, Professionals and Eccentrics: Only one crew was said to have straddled two of those categories...

Sydney to Townsville
The trial started on Jack and his wife Ena's twelfth wedding anniversary (silk and linen) and, as far as Townsville, followed the same route the couple had taken on their honeymoon to Cairns. "I felt he just couldn't fail with a start like that," she told Brisbane's Courier Mail, but that didn't mean it was all plain sailing.

After stern words from the constabulary the previous year, the Club had over-compensated for 1954 and set average speeds that were far too low. A table in Phil's book shows that the first leg from Sydney to Newcastle, a distance of 179km over good, properly-sealed tarmac roads, was allocated five whole hours to complete – an average speed of just 35km/h. Even so, half a dozen contestants misjudged the run and lost points at the first control in Newcastle – mostly, one suspects, out of sheer boredom.

Then there was the debacle of the first secret control at Bulahdelah. Despite having promised that the Vacuum map would be acceptable for the Trial, the officials stuck rigidly to the Shell version and refused to accept the timing of the Vacuum users. Since the maps used different starting points for their surveys, there was a discrepancy of around 4km over the 100km distance. With an average speed of 50km/h for the Newcastle-Taree section, the 3 minute leeway allowed in the rules wasn't sufficient to save those who navigated by the Vacuum map, and about forty cars found themselves being unfairly penalised. This triggered an uproar among the competitors, with everyone lodging protests and not a few snarling that these secret controls were going to, "ruin the trial".

The rest of the run to Taree was uneventful, but once rain began to fall many unsealed sections of road (which was most of them in those days) became quagmires, most notoriously a 360-metre section of bog located 13 kilometres outside Wauchope. Poorly-marked roads were another hassle, particularly around Telegraph Point: Many drivers took a wrong turn and disappeared up the garden path for anything up to half an hour before realising their mistake (not helped by locals allegedly turning signposts around as a prank...). Even so, it wasn't until Surfers Paradise that they got the first serious incident of the trial, when a short-circuit ignited petrol in the carburettor of New Zealander Bill Culver's Jaguar. Culver beat out the flames with his bare hands (giving himself nasty burns in the process), then re-started his Jag and still made it to Brisbane on time.

After a twelve-hour rest, the trial departed Brisbane Exhibition Ground in the early hours of Monday morning, and the contestants enjoyed a leisurely run through fields of pineapple and sugarcane – until they ran into another secret control south of Nambour, which caused an even bigger uproar than the first one. Warned of discrepancies between the two permitted maps, control officials tried to sidestep the problem by checking speedometer readings instead [Sic: I think they mean odometer.]. Among the 46 drivers who fell foul of this method were 1953 winner Ken Tubman, elite drivers Peter Antill and Possum Kipling, and Queensland senator Roy Kendall. All swore they would protest.

The man with the lantern was far from popular.

After passing through Maryborough and Bundaberg, crews were allocated another 12 hours' rest in Rockhampton, but many spent their time arguing with the officials over the injustice of the secret controls instead. The task of keeping their cars to set average speeds, correct to within a fraction of a mile-per-hour, was reducing many navigators to nervous wrecks. It was just as well, then, that the run from Rockhampton to Mackay and then on to Townsville was the least eventful stretch of the entire trial. Drivers kept their machines down to the required 50km/h (much slower than the normal traffic roaring past them), eyes searching the roadsides nervously for more flag-waving officials signalling them in for yet another secret control – unaware that the organisers had declined to station two more on this run as they'd originally planned, simply to avoid any more chaos.

So a couple of steep creek crossings were the only real challenges of this leg, although the steadily-growing heat and humidity of the tropics was ready to bite anyone with sub-standard cooling (and many cars in the trial were British, remember). Upon reaching Townsville, competitors received the welcome news that the ASCC had recognised its mistakes and upheld most of the protests about irregularities at secret controls, wiping the slate clean for many contestants. As a result – and perhaps unsurprisingly, given the absurdly low average speeds – 240 of the 246 starters found themselves "clean-sheeting" the Pacific coast segment of the trial, arriving with no penalties at all.

This would not last.

Townsville to Mount Isa
It was while in Townsville that Jack truly earned the epithet, "Gelignite".

Gelignite is an explosive, invented in 1875 by Alfred Nobel, the creator of dynamite and therefore later the Nobel Peace Prizes. It's made by dissolving guncotton in nitroglycerine and then mixing the whole lot with wood pulp to give it that moldable, jelly-like texture. Unlike some explosives it's safe to handle with bare hands, safe to store (since it can't be set off without a detonator), and is also less prone to "sweating" out its nitroglycerine than dynamite, making it less likely that knocking over an old crate left forgotten in the back of the shed is going to blow you to kingdom come. Its forgiving nature has made it a stalwart in contexts where true high explosives aren't necessary, like agriculture and mining¹. Jack and Bill had brought a crate or two along on the Redex Trial in case they needed to clear a path around road obstructions, although Jack admitted, "We never did ever use it in the trial to get us out of strife." Instead, they ended up using it, shall we say, recreationally.

I'll tell you the name of this place was: it was Townsville. Do you know where the big rock is in Townsville? The great big rock? Okay. Well, for the acoustics you've got to have the jelly somewhere in a valley because it really travels 'round. So we were parked in the showground. There would be about 8,000 people, everybody that lived in Cairns and everywhere were all down at Townsville, and it was a beautiful summer's night [sic], nine o'clock the first car was out. So we found it was always good when you were letting the jelly off to go and find a policeman, put it on a long fuse, put it where you wanted it and then go and find a policeman, know where he is and go and talk to him, so when it goes off, it's not you, it's somebody else. How the hell could you let it off?

So, we got there, we find this policeman, okay, and there was this outhouse, so we got three sticks of jelly and just threw it up against the tin and went up the street to the policeman. Next thing up went the jelly, and you could hear everybody saying, "Christ, what was that?" and they turned 'round, and here's this old guy with his braces hanging down – do you know those policeman's braces, they've got "policeman" or "fireman" on them – and he came out, looked up at the sky, and just turned around and walked back inside again.

That was one of the best jokes we ever played with the jelly. The copper said, "Christ, what was that?" I said, "I wouldn't know." He said, "I bet it's those blokes, the two Murrays." I said, "It's not us – I'm Murray," and the bloke said, "You're not, are you?" I said, "Yeah." He said, "Oh well, you're out of it." I said, "Yes, of course we are." So away we went. I'll never forget that one. – Jack Murray, Gelignite Jack Murray: An Aussie Larrikin Legend

The "too easy to be fun" phase ended after Townsville, however, as the crews turned inland toward Mount Isa and the toughest stretch of road of the entire trial. The road soon deteriorated to little more than a cleared strip through the bush, with sharp rocks, tree stumps and massive potholes exacting a horrific toll on the competitors. There were a number of crashes, including a collision with a cow, and a couple of cars overturned. At least thirty cars got bogged at the difficult Pentland Creek crossing, 240km out, and had to be pushed out with the help of the locals. 

But all this was nothing compared to the hazards that faced drivers after Cloncurry – a stage which, of course, would prove crucial to Jack's eventual victory.

The roads were murder. The road from Cloncurry to Mt Isa was 80 miles. That was where we actually won the trial. You see, it all goes on loss of points. Every minute you're late, that is another point. – Jack Murray, Gelignite Jack Murray: An Aussie Larrikin Legend

This section – also known as Calamity Road – had eliminated many during the 1953 Redex Trial, most famously Jack himself. Big rains in February had only seen its condition deteriorate further since then. Three hours had been allocated for the 135km distance from Cloncurry to Mount Isa, of which the first 30km or so was on fairly good gravel road, as were the final ten kays or so; but in between was a 90km horror section winding through the scrub. Realising it would be difficult to average 45km/h over the whole stage, most drivers decided to bank some time by speeding through the first section – and promptly got caught by a secret control, waiting for them at the 45-kilometre mark. Car after car was pulled over by the officials who demanded route cards and mercilessly piled on penalty points in the face of arguments, bribes, death threats and tears. All the other drivers who otherwise would've clean-sheeted the trial lost points here.

The secret control on Calamity Road.

But Jack? He of course got through clean as a whistle, and all thanks to our old friends, Stan Jones and Lex Davison. Roaring along in his Holden, Lex got caught by the secret control and responded by driving a few kilometres further to a township (at a guess, Mary Kathleen?) to ring his teammate Stan Jones and warn him. Stan passed the warning on to the two Murrays, who grit their teeth and slowed right down to the designated average, letting car after car barrel past them (and then get caught and penalised). By now there was a certain, "us against the officials" camaraderie among the field, but why had Jones gone to the trouble of warning one of his main rivals? Chris McLachlan, son of "Wild Bill" McLachlan who was also competing that year, related a story that might give a clue.

Remember that "special paint" the ASCC officials had sprayed on certain parts to ensure they couldn't be changed during the event? Well, Bill McLachlan, so the story went, had taken a sample of the paint back to his laboratory and reverse-engineered it, allowing him to produce a small batch of counterfeit paint – some of which he gave to his old colleague, Jack Murray. Later in the trial, Stan Jones lost a part in the sand and was offered a replacement by Jack, which at first Stan refused because it didn't have the necessary paint. Lo and behold, Jack produced his tin of McLachlan's counterfeit paint, daubed Jonesy's replacement part with it and said with a wink, "You owe me." So when he received Lex's intel about the secret control, Stan was only too happy to pass it on to the Murrays. The irony is that neither the Murrays nor McLachlan ever needed to use the special paint, whereas Jonesy – who could've made use of it – lost time anyway thanks to misreading his map!

Anyway, once past the secret control it was back to business as usual, Jack overtaking 23 cars on one of the worst roads he'd ever seen – only one-and-a-half cars wide, forcing him onto rocky shoulders to get by. More damage was taken on this road than on the whole rest of the trial put together: shock absorbers broke off, springs snapped, gearboxes ground themselves down to the nub, fuel tanks were holed, and engines choked with dust. Flung stones shattered anything made of glass, and one crew arrived with a huge hole in the middle of their windscreen. Hit by a flying stone, the curved glass had turned white with tiny cracks, leaving its driver with no other option than to punch a hole in it so he could see!

More than twenty cars were forced out of the trial by battle damage, while many others reached Mount Isa barely able to move, with mudguards torn off or twisted, exhaust pipes dragging on the ground, headlights smashed to bits and all caked in dust. A few had simply given up and headed back to Townsville instead. By the Isa, the list of 240 clean-sheeters had been whittled down to just three – the #159 Ford Customline of Martin Arentz; the #251 Vanguard Spacemaster of Doug Whiteford; and of course, the #241 Ford Super Deluxe V8 of Jack Murray and Bill No-Relation.

Mount Isa to Darwin
By the Isa, the Trial runners were five days out from Sydney and had covered 3,650km – meaning there were "only" 12,000 or so to go. Thankfully, the run to Darwin via Renner Springs and Daly Waters was over the Barkly and Stuart Highways – good, sealed bitumen roads, built by the army during wartime. This allowed the ASCC to set a fairly brisk (by trial standards) average of 40mph, or 64km/h. That still meant covering 1,692km in 26 hours, and in cars still bruised by their treatment on Calamity Road.

Several cars had cracked sumps (or diffs, or gearboxes...) with the resultant oil leaks. Some suffered collisions with cattle or the ever-present kangaroos. Tyres that had taken a hammering from stones the day before blew out when the pressure inside built up over prolonged running on tarmac rendered baking hot by the Top End sun. Some crews took the time to stop every so often to kick the tyres and grease the suspension; others were too tired for this and carried on, only for the neglect to come back and bite them later. With the need to eke out extra time for repairs, speeding was a necessity for pretty much everyone, and another secret control could've torpedoed many a result – except that by now the ASCC was a tad gun-shy, so none had been set up.

Tubman removing his troublesome driveshift.

1953 Trial winner Ken Tubman fell by the wayside on this section, pulling the tailshaft out of his Peugeot's wrecked differential only a few clicks out of Katherine. Unable to repair the car before the Darwin control closed, Tubman admitted defeat and wired that he was retiring from the event. Another who had mechanical trouble and lost time was one of the leaders, Martin Arentz, which ended his run as a clean-sheeter. That left just the Murrays and Doug Whiteford to battle for the lead.

Darwin to Broome
Dust and heat were the main enemies as the crews headed south out of Darwin. Drivers had been warned about the conditions after they passed back through Katherine, and many tried to make up time while the road was good – leading them to trip over yet another secret control set up 35km north of Katherine.

After Katherine, the trial left the highway behind and headed southwest to Top Springs, arriving some time after nightfall. Setting off before dawn the next morning, Ken and Ray Christie in their '52 Chevy Deluxe (car #233) had the misfortune to lay headlights on one of the worst crashes of the trial. The #149 Morris of E. Roberts and R. Gibson had left the road and hit a tree, stoving in its front and leaving both men injured, Gibson with concussion and Roberts with broken ribs. An ambulance had to be dispatched to take them to Darwin.

From Top Springs it was only a short hop to Wave Hill, where they ran into the worst bog of the trial so far. The dust was like talcum powder and nearly a foot deep, and sat upon a bed of loose sand that was apparently infinitely deep (no-one found the bottom, anyway). Forty-seven cars found themselves bogged at one time or another, and although some managed to claw their way out with winches and traction mats, others were stuck for hours and had to be pulled out by an enterprising station hand, who got out his tractor² and pulled competitors out for a £1 ($42) fee – during daylight hours, at least. After dark it rose to £2 ($84!). At least ten more cars dropped out and had to be towed back to Katherine.

The survivors ploughed on, raising towering columns of dust – which was a problem, as they were now deep into cattle country. Those gargantuan outback cattle stations you've heard about are a matter of simple economic necessity: it takes a lot of acres to support each beast, and herds need to be large to be profitable. Even outback cattle are too fussy to eat grass covered in dust, however, so the management of Vestey Group stations, the British company which occupied most of the area, asked the trial if they wouldn't mind detouring around their main grazing areas. Naturally, the detours were even worse than the main road and, unable to call in at station homesteads, crews had to make use of pre-established fuel dumps like the one at Halls Creek, where they had to hand-pump the fuel out of 44-gallon drums.

A station worker cranking the petrol, Halls Creek.

That got the trial runners through the 1,195km run to Christmas Creek³. A dot on the map in the midst of vast desert, the crews surely felt as far from civilisation as anyone could get before they started coming back: it had been 1,560km since they left Darwin. Plagued by flies and with only cold rations to get them by, there was little to do but wait out their designated six-hour rest break. A further twenty-six cars withdrew there, leaving 180 to press on to Broome.

It was on this next stretch that another crash ruined the chances of Doug Whiteford, hitherto one of the clean-sheeters. Andy Spanner in the #228 Chevrolet jammed on his brakes unexpectedly and, unsighted in all the dust, Whiteford smashed straight into the back of him. As part of its package deal of front-end damage, the Spacemaster suffered a holed radiator, forcing Whiteford's crew to spend the next four hours repairing it and then risk it all by driving the rest of the way at a wild 100km/h. They still arrived 70 minutes late, losing them 70 valuable points.

And the Murrays? Well...

We ploughed through to Broome and it was on this stretch that the gods gave us a smile. Thirty miles out we stopped, dead out of gas. I said to Bill: "Just how many points do you reckon we're going to 'do' getting gas?" He grabbed a can and started walking, but had not gone 100 yards when he topped a rise and saw a Holden [Clem Smith] on the side of the road with its crew wearing a sort of despairing air. They had broken down and had no chance of moving without a tow.

I am a businessman, so I made a deal.

"We'll swap you a tow for your petrol," I said.

There was no argument so we syphoned their gas into the Grey Ghost, hooked on our towrope and towed them to Broome.

At the Broome control we were told we were alone in the lead.

We celebrated by letting off a plug of gelignite outside the Hotel Roebuck in Broome. – Jack Murray, Gelignite Jack Murray: An Aussie Larrikin Legend

Much to the chagrin of their rivals, who were trying to sleep!

It turned out that section from Christmas Creek to Broome was meant to include a quick jaunt over to Derby for fuel. That meant driving 45km out of one's way, and then 45km back to rejoin the main road to Broome. Jack had gambled that there would be no secret control in Derby (despite early programmes listing Derby as a checkpoint), and only put in enough fuel for a straight run in to Broome. This had run him short, which would've dropped him out of the trial entirely had it not, by sheer coincidence, happened virtually on top of Smith's broken-down Holden!

I had my fair share of luck, but then again, I've always had a lot of arse. – Jack Murray, interview with Modern Motor, 1981

At this, the halfway point in both time and distance, Jack and his navigator Bill Murray found themselves in an undisputed lead, bearing a clean score sheet with no penalties inscribed upon it. Bill Patterson was currently 2nd in his #29 Peugeot 203, with 8 points lost, while Queenslander A.A. "Duck" Anderson was 3rd in the #176 FJ Holden, with 14 points lost. But there was still an awful long way to go, and anything could happen before the cheering crowds welcomed them back into Sydney...

Continued in Part 2.

¹ I remember in my uni days, we were once watching Bowling For Columbine and got to the bit where Terry Nichols explains that sure, he had blasting caps, dynamite fuses and blackpowder, "but that's all normal farm stuff." Now, not to defend a nutjob like Nichols, but my friend was surprised when I confirmed that yes, all of that pretty much is indeed normal farm stuff. Yours Truly has been... present, shall we say, as licensed personnel have made responsible use of a few sticks of jelly. And I have to say, even if it is one of the slower explosives, I came away with a profound respect for the stuff.

² Some sources say bulldozer. I'm picturing one of those small, open-top Caterpillars, with or without a dozer blade attached.

³ If you've been following along on Google Maps, you might have noticed by now that we're into areas so remote Google has trouble locating the places you want. I'm guessing Christmas Creek was what is now the community of Kurpatiya, a settlement so remote Google can't calculate distances to it even if you manually select it. For what it's worth, I couldn't find a single continuous road that linked Top Springs, Halls Creek and Christmas Creek, but that's the nature of these back roads – they exist when they're needed.